
Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study

r.E.A.L MEN ministry

Proverbs 27:17  Iron sharpeneth iron; so, a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. 

our Vision

To raise up a community of Godly men that Reliable, Effective, Anointed, Leaders, that help Cave Men become Connected Men.

Our Mission

 Our mission is to equip men with the word and godly wisdom to live a godly life by serving their family, church, and community.    

Our Motto

 It takes a Real Man to make a Real Man!

Real Men Empowerment Sessions:

During these sessions, men learn and grow in the word of God as they learn what it means to be a Real Man.  In these sessions, men receive anointed teaching and training to take them to their next level in manhood. These sessions take place in a real and safe environment where men can share their successes and struggles with each other. There are some things that a man’s wife cannot understand about being a man. We as Real Men choose to talk about those things with trusting brothers and not to repress them.

Real Men Out Reach Events:

The purpose of our outreach events is for men to make a positive impact outside the walls of the church. Our aim is to be visible and make a deposit and difference in the lives of those in our community that are needed. Our goal is not just to be seen in the community but to be servant leaders in the community as our Lord Jesus taught us to serve. 

These outreach activities include but are not limited to: Partnering with local feeding ministries, sponsoring local parks in the community, mentorship for you males.  Reading to elementary students.  Partnering with local organizations to provide school uniforms students in need. Helping provide support to local homeless and battered women shelter and local food bank. Provide support for the elderly, veterans in need and local Title I schools.